BVAC 2023 prep

A few weeks ago, a birthday present from the UK arrived. Beside a bottle of “Engine Gin” it included the an AA Britian map and two tickets for the BVAC 2023. To be honest – I have never heard about the Border Vintage Automobile Club meeting before – even though I share the same start year. In the UK, the 50th anniversary and the Sir Jackie Steward Race, gained some media attention last year. Afaik, this is how my son found out about it. And: a father-son Roadtrip is a perfect present.
Hint to my daughters: Of course, the same applies to Father-Daughter trips… is one of you up for the Sahara Challenge 2024 by any chance???? 🙂

As you can see from the red line – the idea is not to take the direct route – which would be just 414 miles (approx 666km). Taking a motorway when smaller B-roads exist would be an awkward thing to do in a Morgan, wouldn’t it? Therefore, the roadbook my son came up with is just shy of 500 miles (one-way from London) On Friday and Saturday the miles will be split almost evenly with a stay somewhere around Kingston-up-Hull.

On the way back we need to stay somewhere in a 50-mile radius around Alfreton (MG fans might understand why) It will be the ultimate endurance and reliability test for the Morgan. A great preparation for the 4000km summer vacation round trip to Italy planned for August.

So, I have about 21 days left to get the last issues sorted on the Morgan. Due to work, I was not able to finish the dashboard yet. A fall-back option is to have an unpainted (or rattle-can painted) dash in for this trip. This weekend I will focus checking the front suspension again. Fresh grease, adding back the steering dampers, checking all screws and getting the wheel alignment checked are top of mind.

Tonight, I booked the Eurotunnel tickets (which is now called Le Shuttle…), Hotels for the first and last night – as well as a stay in Edinburgh. All set I think – what could possibly go wrong….

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