Unexpected engagement reloaded

After a long week with lots of travelling I got a call late on Friday evening. The red MGB tourer had problems again. The owner reports that first the horn was suddenly - then it went on permanently - followed by a blown fuse number three. In this car - quite a few modifications were... Continue Reading →

Unexpected engagement

Originally, I visited Stephan this late afternoon to get some washers welded together (post will follow on this) - but I got an unexpected engagement instead. I was asked to have a look at a MGB roadster that had some minor electrical problems needing to be solved to pass the German TÜV. On first sight... Continue Reading →

Electric quirks and extras

Brakes have been adjusted and checked - wheels are getting centered and new tires on their way - it is time to find the electric issues I added since I redid the dashboard. The fuel gauge problem was clear right after I removed the dash again. When I check the voltage regulator, I must have... Continue Reading →

Happy New Year 2023!

Time to reflect and look forward. 2022 started with the family in Corona quarantine and almost ended the same way. After a trip to Plymouth for the master graduation celebration of my oldest daughter - my kids all caught Covid-19 for another time. My wife and I both have the fourth vaccination and were lucky... Continue Reading →

Done… almost…

After two and a half intense days work on the Morgan I am back where I started two months ago. What on earth let me think that I could pull the wiring, add relays and have everything done in three weeks? I don't know.... Back in June I made an appointment at Victor Günter Motorsport... Continue Reading →

Patience required

The weekend started with a bit of research on LED lights for classic cars. A while ago I switched to LED headlights on the Mini. First, I had the Apollo bulbs from Steveston Motor Company. LED headlights make a huge difference in the dark compared to the standard H4 bulbs and certainly add security. Unfortunately,... Continue Reading →


Not in my most daring dream I would have thought that I spent a few hours this week with Rick Astley. But I am not talking about the English singer and songwriter. Nope. Even though the first lines of one his songs pretty much sum up my week: I walk the wire every nightI can't decide... Continue Reading →

Wireless Sunday

the Morgan is "wireless" and off the road again. At least for a few days as I completely removed the loom and fuse box again. Frankly, this task wasn't something I was looking forward to, but I am glad that I did it anyway. And a number of little things I did during assembly made... Continue Reading →

I’ve got the power

After 3 months waiting time, an electrician finally installed the Easee wallbox today. I already bought this unit last summer. Back then I ordered a new company car. Since you pay much less tax even on electric and hybrid cars, a wallbox was a mandatory thing to have. But the parking space (4,30m in length)... Continue Reading →

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