The Neverending wiring story

My work on the Mini40 is done for now. After the required bodywork and painting is done (new sills, new door skins, some floor repairs) I will be reinstalling the dashboard and interior - but nothing extra-ordinary. The garage needs a good clean up next week before I will start with anything else. Well, the... Continue Reading →

wire_less detour

No, this is not about some form of data transmission. And no, I am not going to remove cables from the MGB wiring harness. But I as I started working on the loom I realized I don't have a few cables colours I need in stock. As I still must wait for the Mini40 parts,... Continue Reading →

Relay related lunacy

Mildred wiring diagram Version 0.9 Puuh - planning the future wiring took much longer than expected. And at first glance the new plan might look wild. And it is not the final. But once you study it - you might see the method behind my madness. If not - don't worry and read on -... Continue Reading →

Land of conFUS(E)ion

It is freezing outside - too cold to enjoy working in the garage. Last year around Christmas I started to sort out the wiring harness for the Morgan. This took much longer than anticipated. On the plus side I learned to love the old BSAU7 wiring standard. If you followed my blog, you might remember... Continue Reading →

fruit of the loom(work)

Today I finally got the proof that my initial calculation of 6 to 8 hours to put the wiring back into the car wasn’t far off. Well, that is if you have a correct and working wiring harness for your car. Anybody that has read my last posts or talked to me over the last... Continue Reading →

all tangled up

Let's start with a "Happy New Year" to all readers. I hope you had a good start and a nice January 1st, 2021. A bit unexpectedly I did not spend any time in the garage. Instead, I cleaned up my office desk to work on the wiring loom at home. Turned out to be a... Continue Reading →

walking the wire

The new wiring loom finally arrived. As mentioned before AutoSparks did not send it to the updated address and Billy Bellinger was so kind to forward it. The new long (and freshly cleaned up) workbench was helpful for this task. After I unpacked the box, I decided to revisit the old loom again. The rear... Continue Reading →

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